Community Raises $400,000 in 5 Days!

The Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC) reported that the Government "launched an unprecedented attack [on] around 12,000 people seeking asylum who arrived by sea to Australia between August 2012 and December 2013.

After waiting over four years to be invited to apply for asylum, these people have received letters from the government with as little as 30 days to lodge their refugee application."

Needing to quickly hire lawyers to assist the asylum seekers, ASRC put out an appeal. They reported : "7 March update:  the ASRC are humbled and grateful for the huge response from our community who in five days, have helped us reach our target of $400,000 to fund five human rights lawyers in order to urgently provide legal support to 1150 people seeking asylum to #KeepThemSafe!"

What a wonderful community response!

(From )